Monday, 15 April 2013

Long Time No Work.

Hello, nice to talk to you all again. I am pleased to announce that I have been back in the studios today and a painting has been accomplished. I shall hopefully put up pictures of it tomorrow (do no hold me to that though). I must apologise for having created nothing over the Easter holidays, home life just got in the way, but that is going to change now that I am back at uni (fingers crossed). So as I said before, I achieved some work today, it was a painting in the style of my previous ones. It was strange picking up a brush after what seems like forever. I was a bit rusty and am not totally happy with the result. Half way through creating the piece I came to the decision that I do not want to paint anymore, I want draw… This is a bit of a dilemma because there is only a few weeks left. Maybe it is because I haven’t got back into a routine yet and I will feel differently by the end of the week. We shall see. I should probably leave drawing for another time. It could be something to do over the Summer, a little project I set myself. You may notice that I have had a name change, not a massive one, I only added ‘Art’ to the end, I have done this so people will know that it is about art. I felt before that it sounded more like a business. Anyway, that is it for now. I will try my best to get back into blogging again!

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